Bring A Friend Day – August 26th

At Instinct Fitness, we believe that fitness is not just a personal journey, but a shared experience filled with motivation, encouragement, and a whole lot of fun. That’s why we’re excited to announce our Bring-A-Friend Day on the 26th of August!

If you’ve ever wanted to share your love for CrossFit with a friend, or if you’re curious about what it’s like to be part of our community, this is the perfect opportunity. Here’s everything you need to know:

What is Bring A Friend Day?

Bring A Friend Day is all about sharing the joy and energy of working out with someone you care about. Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or a fitness newbie, this day is designed to make everyone feel welcome and energized. You can find all the details and sign up here.

Why You Should Join Us

  1. Share the Experience: Working out with a friend can make the whole experience more enjoyable. It adds a layer of accountability, camaraderie, and healthy competition.
  2. Try Something New: If you or your friend are new to Instinct Fitness, this is a great way to try out our classes and see what we’re all about.
  3. Meet Our Community: Instinct Fitness is more than just a gym; it’s a family of like-minded individuals all working together to reach their CrossFit goals.

What to Expect

  • High-Energy Workouts: Our certified coaches will lead you through a fun and challenging workout suitable for all fitness levels.
  • Supportive Environment: You and your friend will be surrounded by supportive coaches and fellow CrossFitters.
  • A Whole Lot of Fun: This isn’t just about working out; it’s about enjoying the journey together. Expect to have a blast!

How to Join Us

It’s easy to be part of our Bring A Friend Day:

  1. Invite a friend (or two!).
  2. Click here to sign up and secure your spot.
  3. Show up on the 26th of August, ready to sweat, laugh, and enjoy the experience.

Bring A Friend Day is more than just another day at the gym. It’s a celebration of community, friendship, and the joy of CrossFit. Don’t miss out on this special event. Whether you’re a current member looking to introduce a friend to Instinct Fitness or someone who’s curious about joining our community, this day is for you.

See you and your friends on the 26th! 💪🎉

The Instinct Fitness Team